A few birds were nice, if a bit unexpected...
A juvenile RED-SHOULDERED HAWK was hunting the meadow to the south of Vienna (the entrance road to the Tahoe Keys Marina).

2 AMERICAN AVOCETS looked very cold in the water just past the jetty.

A single HERRING GULL was in with California and Ring-billed Gulls.

This LARK SPARROW was foraging on the ground near the car as I returned. I'm not sure of the status of Lark Sparrow here but it looked a bit out of place sitting in an evergreen.
Other highlights included 2 BALD EAGLES (1 adult and 1 sub-adult), 1 NORTHERN HARRIER, 1 RED-TAILED HAWK, 12 HORNED LARKS on the shoreline, and a bevy of waterfowl-1 RUDDY DUCK, 4 AMERICAN WIGEON, 18 NORTHERN PINTAIL, 1 NORTHERN SHOVELER, 16 GREEN-WINGED TEAL, MALLARDS. To top it off were several BLACK-BILLED MAGPIES that are resident here.